Famous Last Words


Me: Do you think I should bring a rain jacket?
Ben: No.  I don't think it's going to rain.

And those, my friends, are known as famous last words because we went camping this past weekend and it rained the entire time.  Okay, okay, to be fair I think there was a one hour period that it didn't rain but that was it.  Oh how I wish we had pictures of the muddy disaster that was our campsite or of O in a sleeping bag (which was ridiculously cute, by the way) but I'm afraid that I was too much of a piss ant for that - especially when we woke up and found that one corner of our tent had leaked....the corner where all our clothes were of course.

At one point Ben sweetly told me "Thanks for coming this weekend.  I know this isn't your idea of fun." 

And I, of course, replied, "Yeah, you know everything we've done this weekend.  My idea of fun would be the exact opposite." 

I swear I'll be in a better mood once I dry out.


  1. it isn't my idea of fun to spend an entire weekend soaked either... good memories in about a year though.?

  2. So I take it camping is nothing like childbirth. No warm fuzzy feeling after all the pain is gone.

  3. I love NOT camping!


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