

You know those people who say that knitting relaxes them or sewing brings them a sense of calm or embroidery allows them to tune-out the problems of the day?  I don't get those people.  Probably because this is the internal dialogue that goes on in my head when I'm crafting:

"This fabric was really expensive.  Don't screw this up."
"Oh my God, is this even going to fit?"
"Eww, this is not what I thought this was going to look like."
"Crap, I cut a hold in my fabric."
"Double crap, I sewed this inside out."
"Ughh, I hate this project."

Yeah, not so relaxing.  And to be honest, some parts are worse than others.  Take buttonholes for example. Buttonholes scare the crap out of of me.

Just think about it.  After working so long and hard on a project and getting everything just right (or just good enough), you have to sew really thick lines of stitching and then intentionally cut a hole in your fabric.  It makes me perspire just thinking about it...probably because I've made every mistake that can be made while making buttonholes.

Put them in the wrong place and then spend way too long trying to un-pick them without damaging the fabric?  Yep, I've done that.  Cut past my stitching when trying to cut open the buttonholes?  Yep, I've done that too.

And so when it came to putting button holes on my latest project I began to sweat once again...and apparently for good reason.  Of the four button holes that I needed to sew, two of them ended up a little bit wonky and I had to spend a good half an hour hunched over the project trying to unpick those suckers (and unpicking on flannel is not an easy task!).  But after much unpicking, re-sewing, and a wee bit of cussing, I think that the buttonholes are finally done.  They may not be perfect, but they're definitely good enough.


  1. Most of my projects stress me out. You are not alone!

    BTW...that fabric is gorgeous! Can't wait to see what it is.

  2. I'm so with you. I've even gone to snaps and I even sweat putting those in. What you got going on looks great.

  3. Same emotions here, in fact, I had just about all them today with that dress!!! ;-)

  4. Can your machine take an old Singer buttonholer attachment? I won't lie and say it will make all your buttonhole dreams come true, but really, so long as you practice on a bit of scrap fabric each time, it's pretty cool. You just sit back and press the pedal slowly and watch the buttonhole being made before your eyes! I always go around twice to make it really secure. It comes with different cams to make different sized buttonholes.

  5. Man, you are making me sweat a little just thinking about buttonholes. Maybe someday I'll graduate to buttonholes; I'm currently working on elastic. =)

  6. I am totally NOT one of those relaxed crafters, usually I get into something and then wonder why I didn't just spending that time trolling the internet for something to buy instead of cursing and hunched in my freezing cold garage. My desire to create seems to be equal parts inspiration, drama, and the joy that comes from being done! Yours looks super cool and totally worth the picking!

  7. Sooo funny and SO TRUE! But really, it does help to have a buttonhole attachment. I have a bernina and I really don't like the way it does buttons, I always mess them up and I hate having to "practice" on scrap fabric, how boring! When I am inspired to create I don't want to practice, I want to create and go with it! OH well, I still love it : )


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