What I Learned From Me Made June


1) That I will never be a model.  Every time I had to take a picture of myself I felt absolutely ridiculous.  I worried about where to put my hands and how bad my posture was going to be.  Oh, and add to that the fact that I tend to make crazy faces in pictures and you see why I won't be quitting my day job any time soon. 

2) That my husband is awesome.  He never once rolled his eyes when at the end of a long day I told him "hey, I need you to take a picture of me."  In fact, he would often reply by shouting "MMJ!"  Now that's a good man!

3) I should make more of an attempt to make items that I will actually wear.  I love making dresses but let's be honest - I don't wear a whole lot of dresses.  There are about three months out of the year here that are actually dress-wearing weather.  Plus I work in a job that requires constant standing up and kneeling down in front of little kids and I really rather not expose myself to the children.  As a result, I wear a lot of pants and I've realized that I should probably focus more of my sewing efforts on tops and other items that I actually wear (but dresses and skirts are just so darn cute!). 

4) While there are definitely things that I've made that I never want to see again (I'm talking to you, too large denim skirt), there are actually quite a few things that I actually like (hello, my lovelies).  Which, of course, means that my sewing efforts have not been a total waste - and to that I say hurrah!


  1. Congratulations on the finish!

  2. Thanks for posting your MMJ experience! I've enjoyed seeing all the things you've made. Funny, though, I think that denim skirt looks great on you!

  3. It was an awesome month. I really think you have some amazing made pieces. You looked awesome all night long!

  4. MMJ was very helpful for seeing my style and understanding what does and does not work for my body. It also let me see my wardrobe gaps.

  5. I think you should totally take that denim skirt and make a couple of things for O from it, if you'll never really wear it. By the way I think you have awesome posture and always look very elegant in photos, even if you do feel awkward!

  6. I love the idea of making things you'll actually wear. I'm almost done with a skirt I'm pretty sure I won't wear more than once - it's cute, just not on me. Knowing your style and what looks good on you is much easier when your simply shopping. I'm not sure I've gotten the hang of it when sewing for myself. I think you should consider a career in modeling, you always look so cute!

  7. I have really loved seeing all of the clothes you've been making! I haven't tried my hand at making something I wear yet, so I'm always in awe when I see people who make clothes (that FIT!).

  8. you fully rocked it. you ARE a model. and are you a teacher as a profession? So sweet!!!!!


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